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Dig Vijay Memorial School Hisar

General guidance for Parents

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Vision Ignites the Mind

Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts into action. Way back in 1990, Ms Smita Rathour had joined St. Kabir School, Sector 28, Chandigarh and hereon started her journey in the field of education. With two and a half decades of rich experience behind her, Mrs Rathour has a library and knowledge, experience of reputed schools of Delhi, innumerable innovation in teaching learning processes and above all"the kind hearted" disciplinarian. As a head of the school, she strongly feels that school is a place where there is community of learners and principal occupies a position of 'Head Teacher'.

General Guidance For Parents


Parents can meet the tachers to discuss the progress and problems of their ward on working saturdays or on other days with prior appointment or telephone or through link book.


Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their child's progress. They should check the bags of their wards on daily basis to see if any notice, invitation etc. has been issued. 


Parents are required to inform the school management if there is any change in their address or if they want to update their telephone numbers in the school records.


If there is any specific medical problem with the children their parents must inform the school management and authorities in the beginning of the session.


Parents attention is drawn to the fact that the criticism of the teacher in presence of a child causes the child to lose respect for the teacher and will hamper the progress of the children.


Co-operation of parents is required for maintaining discipline in all the school programmes and school life. Too much leniency may spoil the child, but freedom within limits is the goal of the institution

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